Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dinner Day 3

Islamabad at night

This was pretty amazing and deserves its own section.. Three of my Pakistani friends took me to Pir Sohawa (Pir Sohwa) in Daman-e-Koh for dinner. It was an amazing steep dirve up from Islamabad into the Margalla Hills. On the way to the top (a windy 45 minute drive along a narrow, congested road) you can get great views of Islamabad, including the Faisal Mosque, the second largest mosque in the world.. We had a great dinner and enjoyed the wonderful view of Islamabad and then headed home. Day 4 and my big speech and Workshop next. I’ll try to post a couple pictures on this blog. But, if I can’t (being the relatively new blogger) you can Google Pri Sohawa and the Faisal Mosque and check out the amazing images.

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